UFSC formalizes agreement with the Normandy Chair for Peace, supported by the UN

11/02/2022 20:44

Prorector Cristiane Derani signs a membership agreement with the Normandy Chair for Peace, in France, alongside the president of the University of Caen, Lamri Adoui. (Photo: Promotion)

The Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), through the Office for International Relations (SINTER) and the Prorectorate for Graduate Studies (PROPG), recently formalized its membership with the Normandy Chair for Peace, an initiative supported by the United Nations (UN). UFSC is the only participating Brazilian university.

The Chair was created by initiative of the Normandy region in France, with the support of the United Nations, aiming to build lasting world peace. It participates in the World Forum and in international initiatives, respecting the freedom of professorship and the values of peace. Under the motto “We will have Peace on Earth when we have Peace with the Earth”, its work is very engaged with environmental issues, with a focus on success stories in protecting the environment.

The agreement signed by UFSC is valid for three years, with the possibility of renewal. It is expected that UFSC will create, based on this agreement, research groups and interact with researchers in carrying out the Chair’s activities.

Present during the signing of the agreement, on 11 January, in Caen, France, were Professor Michel Prieur, Leader of the research project on legal indicators of the Chair and President of the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE), Professor Lamri Adoui, President of the University of Caen, Professor Cristiane Derani, Prorector for Graduate Studies at UFSC, and Professor Emilie Gailllard, Coordinator-General of the Chair.

The Prorector for Graduate Studies, Cristiane Derani, was personally in France in January to represent UFSC and formalize the institutional membership. She explained that the Chair houses multidisciplinary activities developed around themes proposed by any of the members.

“The signing of this agreement by UFSC opens doors for our researchers to develop projects that are supported by the Chair. It therefore facilitates partnerships and dissemination of our scientific activities. With this, UFSC projects itself internationally as a recognized research institution able to develop thematic projects with international partners. We know that, in the university rankings, publications and their impacts, as well as network activities, are valuable indicators of university quality”, emphasizes Derani.

“Among our strategic partnerships, French universities have always been the ones that send students and receive Brazilian students the most. We have a consolidated relationship with France, mainly in the areas of engineering and earth sciences. It is worth mentioning here the Brafitec and Brafagri Programs, which have been standing out in a relevant and significant way in our internationalization process. Strengthening these partnerships, with the inclusion of new areas of knowledge, will help us to maintain and strengthen ties with our French-speaking partners,” points out Lincoln Fernandes, Secretary for International Relations at UFSC.


UFSC was invited to participate in the Chair after a collaboration of researchers from the School of Law (CCJ) in a project on environmental legal indicators. As the Prorector for Graduate Studies explains, the international project had, at the Estação de Carijós, in Florianópolis, a first field study environment.

“It was during this activity that UFSC was invited to join the Chair. This was a first project, in which UFSC was invited. Now, from this agreement, our researchers will also be able to propose projects and integrate existing ones”, she points out.

Prorector Cristiane Derani is part of the Chair’s list of collaborators, as are other CCJ researchers, such as Professor Norma Sueli Padilha, Professor José Rubens Morato Leite, and researchers Fernanda de Salles Cavedon-CapdevilleLigia Ribeiro Vieira and Camila Segovia Rodriguez.

Learn more:
Normandy Chair for Peace
Agreement with UFSC (in French)


Translated by SINTER/UFSC

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