Aerial view of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – Florianópolis Campus. Photo by Jair Quint/Agecom/UFSC
The Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) has its main campus located in Florianópolis, capital of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Founded on 18 December 1960 with the goal of promoting teaching, research and outreach, UFSC delivers free and public education and is placed among the best universities in Brazil and in Latin America.
UFSC’s mission is to produce, systematize, and socialize philosophical, scientific, artistic, and technological knowledge, broadening and deepening students’ education for the professional practice, critical thinking, and national and international solidarity with a view to building a just and democratic society and also guaranteeing quality of life.
With four other campuses distributed in the cities of Araranguá, Blumenau, Curitibanos and Joinville, UFSC community consists of around 40,000 people, including about 5,800 faculty and staff members. The university has nearly 26,000 undergraduate students enrolled in more than 100 on-campus programs and 5 distance learning programs. At the graduate level, UFSC offers around 13,000 places in more than 60 academic master’s programs, 20 professional master’s programs and 50 doctoral programs, in addition to a number of certificate programs offered on campus or via distance learning.
UFSC’s achievements are seen as reference in Brazil and abroad and its internationalization process includes cooperation agreements with educational institutions all over the world. Currently, there are more than 350 partnerships with countries in all parts of the globe.
See UFSC in numbers – 2023.
UFSC in the rankings
- In the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2025, UFSC is among the five best Brazilian federal universities. In the THE Latin America University Rankings 2024, it has reached position 10 in Latin America and was ranked the seventh best university in Brazil.
- In the QS World University Rankings: Latin America & the Caribbean 2025, UFSC was ranked 21st among the top universities in Latin America and 4th among Brazilian federal universities.
- The national Ranking Universitário Folha (RUF) 2024 ranked UFSC as the 7th best university in Brazil, among 203 Brazilian universities (both public and private institutions), and the forth best among the federal universities.