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Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Sciences

04/11/2019 19:27

Objective: The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Sciences (PPGICH) aims to prepare and develop high-level professionals for the practice of higher education teaching, research and outreach in the field of human sciences, with an interdisciplinary perspective, in the concentration areas and lines of research defined by the Program.

Type: Academic doctoral degree.

Areas of Concentration:
Human Condition in Modernity;
Gender Studies;
Society and Environment;
Africa and its Diasporas.

Lines of Research:
– Modernity and Globalization;
– Evolution of Life and Health Sciences;
– Epistemology of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies;
– Gender and its Interrelations with Generation, Ethnicity, Class;
– Development, Conflicts and Public Policies;
– Consumption, Lifestyles and Ethics;
– Colonial and Post-Colonial Political Processes;
– Socio-cultural and artistic productions.

Contact: ppgich@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-9405 / +55 (48) 3721-3505

Website: http://ppgich.ufsc.br/

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