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Get to know the main information about Pre-Phase 2 at UFSC

23/09/2021 18:51

Pre-Phase 2 of the fight against the Covid-19 Pandemic at UFSC began on Monday, 20 September. Since early August, the subject has been addressed in the news published by the UFSC Communication Agency (Agecom) on the institutional websites and social networks.

The frequently asked questions and answers are being gathered by Agecom on this website.

Learn more about the main links and information resources about the new phase below.


Ordinance no. 405/2021/GR and Ordinance no.406/2021/GR, both published on 16 August, authorize the resumption of in-person activities at UFSC, in preparation for the semi-presencial mode. They stipulate the beginning of Pre-Phase 2 for 20 September, date on which it was estimated that most UFSC workers would be immunized against Covid-19.

Learn more about the ordinances, resolutions and other normative acts regarding the pandemic on the website.


Pre-Phase 2 is a period considered a transition between Phase 1 and Phase 2. Therefore, the guidelines for Phase 1 remain valid, as well as the rules defined in the Biosafety Guide for Phase 1 and Normative Resolution #090/2021/CGRAD, which defines the criteria for authorizing practical and theoretical-practical classes in a in-person format.

To facilitate this understanding, the Guidelines Manual for the preparation of gradual return to in-person activities at UFSC – Pre-Phase 2 was issued with details on activities, environments and people. This Manual was later updated with regard to the Risk Groups, now listed in Ordinance no. 409/2021/GR.

Work Plan

The planning of the activities of each sector is one of the main activities of Pre-phase 2. Upon completion of this Plan, and with favourable epidemiological data, it will be possible to proceed to Phase 2. Each sector should, from 20 September, prepare its Work Plan, send it to the heads of units and give wide dissemination in the institutional websites. Check out the guidelines and a model of the Work Plan.

Prevention Measures

Pre-Phase 2 brought changes regarding Covid-19 prevention measures. In addition to a full vaccination cycle, it is necessary to wear the masks type PFF2 throughout the time you are at UFSC in person. The masks are arriving at the sectors, distributed by the Department of Health Care (DAS), and there is already a lot of information available on how to use and reuse the masks. Click here to read the guidelines.

Other collective prevention resources are being planned and implemented: the measurement of air quality and the testing policy.

The measurement has already started to take place in the Child Development Center (NDI) and in Laboratory School (CA). The next step will be to define the parameters for the release of the environments according to the concentration of CO2 and the quality of air exchange in the rooms. Following, there will be the acquisition of portable devices for CO2 measurements and distribution and training for use of this equipment.

Covid-19 testing will take at UFSC`s  Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Sorology Laboratory (LBMMS), and will be combined with isolation measures and contact tracing. The testing will begin with the professionals from the CA and NDI. The method used will be the pool testing, that is, the testing of ten samples simultaneously, to save reagents and inputs. The method is highlighted by Professor Maria Luiza Bazzo, responsible for LBMMS as safe and effective, a strategy designed for populations where there is low incidence of infection. The tests must have results in an approximate period of 24 hours.

In addition, the visual signalling for the sectors was also made available, in PDF, ready for printing.

Learn about the 10 Prevention Measures for Covid-19.

Real-Time Monitoring

The Covid-19 pandemic needs to be closely monitored and UFSC made available, as of Pre-Phase 2, the Active Panel of Epidemiological Data, a management, data visualization and monitoring tool. The Panel gathers public and internal data, and will continue to be fed daily.

Check out the frequently asked questions and answers about Pre-Phase 2 on this website.

Keep up to date with all Pre-phase 2 news.



Translated by SINTER/UFSC

Read the original article here

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