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University Council approves the realization of in-person UFSC vestibular in January 2022

28/09/2021 13:28

The University Council (CUn) of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) gave approval for the Permanent Commission of the Vestibular (Coperve) organize a University Entrance Examination (Vestibular)  in person for entry to UFSC undergraduate programs in the academic year 2022. The counselors endorsed the Normative Resolution no. 93/2021 of the Undergraduate Council (CGRAD), which provides for the vestibular on 29 and 30 January 2022 to fill 4,549 vacancies in 98 programs. The Coperve should publish the call in mid-October and applications will be open from 18 October  to 19 November.

According to the Resolution, the tests of UFSC Vestibular 2022 will be held in the cities of Florianópolis (and municipalities of Greater Florianópolis), Araranguá, Blumenau, Brusque, Caçador, Balneário Camboriú, Canoinhas, Chapecó, Concórdia, Criciúma, Curitibanos, Itajaí, Jaraguá do Sul, Joaçaba, Joinville, Lages, Rio do Sul, São Miguel do Oeste and Tubarão.


Candidates who have already completed Secondary Education or equivalent or who will complete it by the date of enrollment at UFSC may participate in the Vestibular. As in previous years, so called “experience candidates” can also participate, who will not compete for classification.

At the meeting of the Council, the process was reported by the counselor Edson Roberto De Pieri, who presented a favorable opinion for the approval of the Normative Resolution.

Safe process

The president of Coperve, Maria Jose Baldessar, attended the session and helped clarify questions about the Vestibular. She defended the need to hold an in-person examination to fill the vacancies offered by the programs, with a more suitable candidate profile. “In principle, we believe we can offer a safe process,” said the president of Coperve.

She informed that the Commission has established a series of protocols that should be present in the call of the examination and that include the need for masks to be worn by all participants. The selection of collaborators preferably vaccinated, occupation of rooms between 50% and 60% of capacity, choice of ventilated locations, adequacy of the flow of passers-by in the buildings, care with cleaning and installation of medical posts in the exam locations.


“The in-person examination is also the community’s wish,” said professor Maria José Baldessar. She highlighted the changes made in the structure of the examination, with exams held in only two days (Saturday and Sunday) and the removal of the discursive questions that demanded too much time to answer. In addition, there is the expectation that most candidates for the Vestibular are already fully vaccinated when the tests are applied.

According to the president of Coperve, to meet all legal issues and to fit UFSC academic calendar, the selection processes must be organized six months in advance. She said that the organizers work with the expectation of improvement of sanitary conditions until the Vestibular date, but in case of setback in the pandemic control course the issue could be reassessed in the University Council.

Professor De Pieri recalled that the idleness of vacancies is a problem in several programs at UFSC and that the University receives many requests from students who could not enroll in recent in-person selective processes for not having participated in previous University Entrance Examinations of UFSC (Vestibulares) or the National Secondary Education Exam (Enem).

João Martins asked what Coperve was doing to motivate students to take part in the Vestibular and how the commission was communicating with this public. Professor Maria José mentioned that Coperve team has made lives with the coordinators to present various programs to the community and also promoted conversations about the Vestibular with students from public and private schools. She says there is great interest in the UFSC Vestibular and believes that the competition may have around 30 thousand candidates.

The Coperve has also acted to support the candidates’ preparation for the Vestibular. He cited for instance the podcasts produced by the team on each of the literary works and lives on the programs of the exam subjects. Professor Celso Spada pointed out that the vestibulares, together with graduation ceremonies, are special moments in which the University is in direct contact with society.

The Normative Resolution providing for the execution of UFSC in-person vestibular in January 2022 was approved by 52 votes in favor and only one vote against.


The competition will have two tests, with Exam 1 held on January 29, from 2pm to 6pm. On this day, candidates will answer 40 questions of multiple propositions and / or open questions in the disciplines of First Language (Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature or Libras – 12 questions); Second Language (German, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Libras or Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature – 8 questions); Mathematics (10 questions) and Biology (10 questions).

Exam 2 is planned for 30 January, lasting five hours – from 2pm to 7pm. On this day, the candidates will answer 40 questions with multiple and/or open propositions from the disciplines of Human and Social Sciences (20 questions, distributed among the disciplines of History (7), Geography (7), Philosophy (2), Sociology (2) and two more interdisciplinary questions involving at least two of these disciplines), as well as Physics (10 questions), Chemistry (10 questions) and the Essay.




15 October 2021 – Announcement of the Call for Applications

18 October 2021 – Beginning of registration and payment deadline and Beginning of the period for exemption request

29 October 2021 – End of the exemption request period

8 November 2021 – Results of the exemption request

19 November 2021 – End of Registration period

22 November 2021 – Last day to pay the registration fee



The episodes of the series “Universos Vivos“ (“Living Universes”), about the literary works of the Vestibular, have an average duration of 15 minutes and are available on audio platforms such as Spotify, Anchor, Pocket Casts, Google Podcasts, among others.


Translated by SINTER/UFSC

Read the original article here

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