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Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

04/11/2019 17:38

Objective: The Professional Master’s Program in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MPSM) aims to prepare professionals to work in the field of mental health, in the perspective of psychosocial care and rehabilitation.

Type: Professional master’s degree.

Area of Concentration: Mental Health and Psychosocial Care.

Lines of Research:
– Mental Health Policies, Systems, Programs and Services;
– Stress, Violence and Health;
– Psychosocial Promotion and Rehabilitation;
– Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Licit Substances;
– Use and Abuse of Licit Substances;
– Use and Abuse of Illicit Substances;
– Intervention on Primary Health Care and Substance Use.

Contact: mpsm@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-4164

Website: http://mpsm.ufsc.br/

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