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Science and Technology Education

04/11/2019 19:34

Objective: The Graduate Program in Science and Technology Education (PPGECT) aims to develop research and teaching activities about the relationship between education and science, with emphasis on the understanding of the teaching and learning process, that is, the domain of the structures of thought required by science and technology and its insertion in the Brazilian society, in order to promote a more adequate teaching.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Science and Technology Education.

Lines of Research:
– Teacher Training;
– Science Teaching and Learning;
– The Social Implications of Science and Technology in Education;
– Epistemology and the History of Science and Mathematics;
– Media and Science Education;
– Language and Education.

Contact: sec.ppgect@gmail.com | +55 (48) 3721-4181

Website: http://ppgect.ufsc.br/

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