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UFSC extends suspension of in-person activities until 31 December

01/09/2020 18:08

Last Friday, 28 August, the Central Administration of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) has announced that the university’s in-person academic and administrative activities will remain suspended until 31 December.

According to the Ordinance no. 371/2020, on-campus teaching activities at all levels and of all types remain suspended. The ordinance authorizes remote learning at UFSC, under the rules set out in Normative Resolution no. 140/2020/CUn.

Any other in-person academic activities, such as defenses, recruitment examinations and meetings, as well as the in-person technical and administrative activities, except for health, security and other urgent and essential services, are also suspended on all UFSC campuses until 31 December.

The document stresses, however, that these measures may be changed upon occurrence of new events.

To read the Ordinance no. 371/2020, click here.

Translated by SINTER/UFSC.

Read the original article here.

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