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UFSC is ranked among the 19 best Brazilian universities in THE sustainable development ranking

29/04/2022 12:31

Impact Rankings 2022: methodology | Times Higher Education (THE)The Times Higher Education (THE) has published the results of the Impact Rankings 2022, which assess universities against the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda.

In this edition, 1406 universities from 106 countries/regions were assessed. At a global level, the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) occupies the 401-600 position among the 1406 assessed universities, with a score of 65.0 to 71.9.

At the national level, UFSC is ranked among the 19 best Brazilian universities, standing out in the following Goals:

  • SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure. UFSC is ranked 23rd among 785 institutions in this goal, with a score of 98.4.
  • SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth. With a score of 65, the university is in the 101-200 range, among 849 institutions.
  • SDG 5: Gender equality. UFSC is ranked 101-200 among 938 universities, with a score of 63.3.

The best overall performance is from Western Sydney University, in Australia, followed by Arizona State University, in the United States, and by the Western University, in Canada. Among the Brazilian universities, the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) reached the best performance, holding the 62nd overall position.  The Impact Rankings 2022 indicators provide comparisons across four broad areas: research, stewardship, outreach and teaching.

The Times Higher Education (THE) is a British journal affiliated to The Times newspaper that publishes news and articles on higher education and prepares, annually, a set of rankings considered one of the most comprehensive, balanced, and reliable in the world. In addition to the institutional actions regarding the SDGs, the Impact Rankings 2022 also assessed the institutions based on the research carried out for each goal.

See the THE Impact Rankings 2022 results here.

Learn about the methodology of the Impact Rankings 2022 here.

Translated by SINTER/UFSC.

Read the original article here

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