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Nursing Care Management

04/11/2019 17:40

Objective: The Graduate Program in Nursing Care Management (MPENF) aims to:

  • prepare nurses with analytic, critical and transformational capacity, aligned with the values and guidelines proposed by the SUS (Unified Health System);
  • produce nursing knowledge and innovative propositions in the dimensions of health care, management and education;
  • promote the incorporation of science, art and technology for the transforming action of the nursing practice;
  • develop research knowledge and abilities in the field of nursing and health;
  • qualify professionals to critically participate in the redirection and/or strengthening of health and nursing policies and practices;
  • qualify professionals to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of public health organizations through the solution of problems and generation of innovation.

Type: Professional master’s degree and doctoral degree

Area of Concentration: Health and Nursing Care Management.

Lines of Research:
– Health and Nursing Technology;
– Health and Nursing Management and Administration;
– Caring and the Process of Living, Being Healthy, Falling Ill and Dying.

Contact: mpenf@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-4164

Website: http://mpenf.ufsc.br/

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