UFSC Law program is derived from the Faculty of Law of Santa Catarina and it was the first Law degree to be offered in the state, established in Florianópolis in 1932. It became part of UFSC in 1960.
The program aims to prepare professionals for the legal practice, equipping them with technical knowledge, a critical view and social and political consciousness. The program’s curriculum includes a strong humanist base, which combines the need for a dogmatic and practical training and an education concerned with the development of a truly conscious and participatory citizenship.
For degree completion, in addition to achieving the number of credits for required courses and completing a final thesis (TCC), students must obtain 324 class hours of elective courses, 360 hours of internship experience and 360 hours of complementary activities (including research and outreach activities, extracurricular courses and internships, and student representation).
In addition to the degree requirements, Law students can develop research activities in the Tutorial Education Program (PET) or take part in research carried out by faculty members of the Department of Law. Many of the program’s faculty members are internationally recognized authorities in several fields of Law.
Supervised internship is developed in the Office for Legal Assistance (EMAJ), linked to the Legal Practice Center (NJP), which offers legal assistance to the disadvantaged community. Due to an agreement between UFSC and the Court of Justice of the State of Santa Catarina, since 1993, students can profit from a forum located inside the university. Initially, the forum served the activities of the EMAJ only, but today the Regional Forum of the North of the Island is a pioneer in providing decentralized legal services (Special Courts). It comprises four courts, an auditorium for 200 peoples, and a structure to perform real juries.
The program also has modern and well-equipped facilities, with large classrooms, an exclusive branch library and a computer lab.
Learn more about the Law program by watching this video (in Portuguese):
Program Length: 10 semesters (5 years) |
Website: |
Classes held during the day or in the evening. |