Indigenous Intercultural Education

20/03/2020 20:41

Created in 2010, the Undergraduate Program in Indigenous Intercultural Education of the Southern Atlantic Forest trains and qualifies Guarani, Kaingang and Laklãnõ-Xokleng students to become secondary school teachers in Indigenous schools, and also to develop research projects and activities directly linked to their communities – including at the graduate level – from an intercultural and interdisciplinary perspective.

Centered on indigenous territories in the Atlantic Forest biome, the program addresses land and environmental issues, and students may choose from a number of teaching qualifications:  (i) early childhood, which provides initial training for teaching in early childhood education and primary education; (ii) languages, with an emphasis on Indigenous languages; (iii) humanities, with an emphasis on Indigenous rights; (iv) environmental knowledge, with an emphasis on environmental management.

The program is targeted at Indigenous peoples living in the southern part of the Atlantic Forest biome: Guarani (states of ES, RJ, SP, PR, SC, RS), Kaingáng (states of SP, PR, SC, RS) and Laklãnõ/Xokleng (state of SC).

In order to promote integration between the educational institutions and the ethnic realities, its structure follows the principles of the Pedagogy of Alternation, organized into a University Time (UT) and a Community Time (CT). During the University Time, students attend courses on the Florianópolis campus and/or at Indigenous schools; during the Community Time, they carry out studies and activities in their territories, with the participation of wise indigenous people and the supervision of faculty members.

Program Length:
8 semesters (4 years)
Classes may be held in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Rural Education – Natural Sciences and Mathematics

20/03/2020 18:29

The Undergraduate Degree in Rural Education was implemented in Brazil in 2006. Today, more than forty federal universities across the country offer the degree.

In the field of Rural Education, it is understood that people who live in the countryside have the right to a school program that allows, in conjunction with the specifics of the countryside, the appropriation of historically produced knowledge. In other words, citizens not only have the right to be educated where they live – in the countryside; but also to be able to access an education designed for that place – the countryside, with the participation of those who live in it, linked to its culture and its human and social needs.

In this case, education does include the school institution, but is not restricted to it. School is seen as a priority in the strategy to guarantee the right of rural peoples to have access to Basic Education.

The rural population includes “small family farmers, extractivists, artisanal fishermen, riverside dwellers, land reform settlers and campers, rural wage workers, forest peoples, quilombolas, caiçaras, caboclos, and others who produce their material conditions of existence from work in rural areas” (BRASIL, 2010).

At UFSC, the Undergratuate Program in Rural Education was created in May 2008, integrating the activities of the Rural Education and Sustainable Territorial Development Institute (EDUCAMPO Institute) at the School of Education (CED). Since its inception, the program has formed partnerships with organizations and social movements in the countryside of the State of Santa Catarina.

The field of work for graduates is Rural Education teaching in the area of Natural Sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Biology) and Mathematics, particularly in rural secondary schools. According to article 1(II) of the Decree 7.352/2010, rural schools are “those located in rural areas, as defined by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE, or those located in urban areas, provided that they predominantly serve rural populations” (BRASIL, 2010). Thus, graduates can work in regular education settings, in schools offering vocational education (agricultural or similar), and in other educational spaces such as Family Training Centers by Alternation, Rural Family Homes or Agricultural Family Schools.

The program is offered on-campus, lasting 4 years (8 semesters), and it has as a principle the Pedagogy of Alternation, meaning that it is organized into a Community Time (CT) and a University Time (UT). During the UT period, students participate in curricular activities at the university, and, in the CT period, they develop activities in their communities, e.g. diagnostic activities, approximation with the school, teaching internships, or community projects for school-community integration, according to the stage of program. The aim of this unified educational process is to combine the student’s work and life experience within the community/municipality where they live with the experience of tertiary education they are attaining. In the first year of the program, the activities have as an “integrating axis”, both at the UT and at the CT, the investigation of the local reality. In the second year, the focus turns to the study of the rural school. In the last two years of the program, the CT consists of supervised internships in rural schools, so that the student can perform teaching activities in lower and upper secondary education in the area of Natural Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) and Mathematics.

The training of Rural Education teachers seeks to provide access to knowledge in the area of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, also taking into consideration the study of the elements that make up the memory, knowledge, values, customs, and social and productive practices of rural and family farming subjects. In addition, it seeks to promote the analysis of the sociocultural and environmental characteristics of the students’ life territory so that they understand, in their complexity, the existing conflicts and contradictions. This training also presupposes the development of a theoretical-practical capacity to think-organize-make a rural basic school that establishes a critical-creative education, committed to the principles of building alternatives for social sustainability in rural territories.

Program Length:
8 semesters (4 years)
Faculty members:
+55 48 3721-2250

Note: this program requires a separate entrance examination. Visit the program’s website for information on the application deadlines and procedures.


Mechanical Engineering

20/03/2020 18:23

The main challenge of the mechanical engineer is to analyze, design and solve problems in the traditional areas of Mechanical Engineering, such as manufacturing, automation and robotic processes, thermal systems and mechanical systems. Mechanical engineers also work in an interdisciplinary way in other areas of engineering: aerospace, automotive, naval, ocean, chemical, environmental, metallurgical, petroleum, materials, among others. Their activities include the design of machinery for the transformation of raw materials into finished products, the development of other machines, the solution to mass and energy transport problems, the scientific research and teaching.

To qualify students for this career, the Mechanical Engineer program starts with core courses in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Drawing and Computer Science. Then,  the student goes on to take specific courses, such as Thermodynamics, Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Construction Materials, Machine Elements, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems, Aerodynamics, Heat Exchangers, Manufacturing Processes, Welding, Vibration and Acoustics, Robotics, Automation and Control, Vehicles, Pumps, Internal Combustion Engines, Product Design, among others. The majority of these subjects are taught in mandatory courses and others, focused on more specific issues, are offered as electives.

The program also provides students with the ability to use computers in their engineering studies and projects. Another possible emphasis is the field of production management. In the final year, the student does an internship in a company, in Brazil or abroad, or even in the university’s laboratories. Overall, UFSC Mechanical Engineer graduates do not face difficulties to enter the job market.

The volume and quality of the Department of Mechanical Engineering research groups’ activities have increased considerably in the past years, with the improvement in the qualification of both faculty and technical administrative staff, the acquisition of new equipment and the opening of new areas of research. Today, more than half of the Mechanical Engineering students are engaged in activities in these or in other research groups at the School of Technology, awarded with Scientific or Technology Initiation scholarships.

The current curriculum was established in 2006 and, since then, it has been receiving constant updates so as to better qualify graduates for the current job market.


Program Length:
10 semesters (5 years)
Faculty members:
+55 48 3721 9267


20/03/2020 18:22

The UFSC Mathematics program aims to develop professionals who are able to reflect on mathematical concepts, develop new theories and demonstrate results to advance scientific knowledge.

It prepares students to:

1) pursue graduate studies with a view to developing research and teaching activities in Mathematics (pure or applied);

2) pursue graduate studies in other related areas;

3) enter the job market, working in areas that benefit from a solid knowledge of mathematics.

This is a full-time program.

Program Length:
8 semesters (4 years)
Faculty members:
+55 48 3721 9652

Mathematics (Education) – Blumenau Campus

20/03/2020 18:21

Created in 2014 on the Blumenau Campus, the Mathematics Program with an emphasis on education aims to prepare students for a career in teaching in both primary and secondary school. It also provides them with the necessary knowledge of the fields of research in Mathematics for furthering their studies at the graduate level.

The Program has a qualified faculty team, with members holding doctoral degrees in the areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and Education.

Profile of the graduate

Graduates in Mathematics (Blumenau Campus) shall have a vision of their social role as educators and the capacity to insert themselves in different realities with the necessary sensitivity to interpret students’ needs.

In addition, they should also be aware of the contribution Mathematics can offer as a tool for the full exercise of citizenship and also of their role in overcoming problems found in the teaching and learning process.

Courses are held in the morning and in the evening.

Learn more about the Mathematics Program (Blumenau Campus) by watching this video (in Portuguese):

Program Length: 9 semesters (4 and a half years)
 Number of places: 100 (50 per semester)
Phone: +55 (47) 3232-5139 / (48) 3721-3339



Mathematics (Education)

20/03/2020 18:21

The UFSC Mathematics Program with an emphasis on Mathematics Education prepares students for a career in teaching in both primary and secondary school. Graduates should become teachers conscious of their role as educators and committed to the dissemination of mathematical knowledge as a tool for the full exercise of citizenship.

The Program’s curriculum has a threefold basis: mathematical knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and the theory-practice relationship. It provides students with:

  • A solid mathematical background;
  • A solid teaching/pedagogical training, regarding the formulation and interpretation of mathematical situations and their relations with other areas of knowledge;
  • Competence to work in basic education, with the understanding of the teaching practice as a dynamic process and as an agent of social transformation.

For degree completion, a supervised teaching internship is mandatory. This internship allows students to experience their future career challenges.

Program Length:
8 semesters (4 years)
Faculty members:
+55 48 3721 9652

Materials Engineering – Blumenau Campus

20/03/2020 18:20

The Materials Engineering Program (Blumenau Campus) aims to qualify engineers based on: 1) theoretical training, 2) practical training, 3) formation of attitudes, 4) employability, 5) students’ level of satisfaction, and 6) cost effectiveness, through a cooperative model grounded on the experiences of the Materials Engineering Program from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Florianópolis Campus), and also of the University of Waterloo and the Universidade de São Paulo. Evidence has shown that engineering programs which adopt this cooperative model produce excellent results. They are entirely in accordance with the need of interaction between universities and the community, not only in terms of providing technical training, but also in terms of contributing to the regional development and fostering social interaction. Innovative actions and the development of projects in a socio-technical perspective, with the involvement of the local community, will allow for the training of qualified professionals committed to the socio-economic development of the region.

The following skills are desired for Materials Engineering graduates and students:

  • know the fundamental principles of Materials Engineering so as to be able to observe, interpret and analyze data and information, as well as to identify problems and propose solutions according to the knowledge acquired during the program;
  • apply engineering knowledge and other related knowledge for the specification, dimensioning and functional design of production systems in the areas of metal-mechanics, polymers, ceramics, composite materials ceramic, among others;
  • engage in complementary activities, as provided in the curriculum, such as: Scientific Initiation projects, multidisciplinary projects, socio-technical co-construction projects, technical visits, team work, development of prototypes, student tutoring, participation in Junior Enterprises, and other activities of socio-technical nature;
  • be able to interpret, argue, communicate, write reports, and elaborate projects in accordance with the appropriate rules and technical standards;
  • be able to work dialogically in the formulation and resolution of socio-technical problems involving different agents and social interests;
  • have a worldview that emphasizes the social value of an activity, the environmental and social sustainability and the quality of life;
  • have multidisciplinary knowledge and the ability to develop teamwork and responsible work in different contexts;
  • make use of scientific and technological articles, both national and international, from refereed journals in the development of their professional activities.

The Program aims to prepare engineers to work in the transformation industry, in research, in advisory services, in activities directed to the regional development and the socio-technical innovation, and in public institutions. Graduates can find career opportunities in the following fields of work:

  • transformation processes in industries, commerce, cooperatives, service sectors, among others;
  • modernization, optimization and maintenance of production units;
  • design and integration of production and transformation systems in engineering companies;
  • design and installation of transformation units;
  • scientific and technological research;
  • development of new processes and products;
  • technology companies;
  • cooperatives and social organizations;
  • social technologies;
  • public and education institutions;
  • reusing, recycling and environmental preservation;
  • creation, management and development of their own business.

Materials Engineers graduated from UFSC (Blumenau Campus) should be able to assimilate and develop new technologies, and to identify and solve problems with a critical and creative stance, taking into account the social, political, economic, environmental and cultural aspects involved, in order to meet the demands of society through an ethical and humanist view.

Learn more about the Materials Engineering Program by watching this video (in Portuguese):

Program Length:
10 semesters (5 years)
+55 (47) 3232-5101

Materials Engineering

20/03/2020 18:18

The UFSC Materials Engineering Program was established in 1998 and has graduated more than 600 Materials Engineers until today.

The first group of students graduated in February 2004, with the recognition of the Ministry of Education and the Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agriculture of the state of Santa Catarina (Crea-SC), in partnership with national companies from the state of Santa Catarina and the cities of Caxias do Sul (RS), Curitiba (PR), Jundiaí (SP) and international companies and institutes from countries such as Germany, France and Portugal.

Innovative since its beginning, the program has invested on differentiated solutions for the teaching and learning process, such as the cooperative curriculum – in which students alternate periods of study in the University with periods of training in companies where they carry out supervised internships.

The Materials Engineer graduated from UFSC will be qualified to research, develop and produce functional materials. This means that they will have the ability to develop parts or components for specific applications which will represent solutions for: manufacturing cost reduction and productivity improvement; component life enhancement; and development of new materials, techniques and innovative manufacturing processes with less environmental impact.

Throughout the degree, students engage in two compulsory internships and they can also engage in one optional internship, of 18 weeks each. The companies offer positions in the three major areas of Materials Engineering (ceramics, metals and polymers) and the student may opt to do internship in the areas of marketing and business management too. All internships are remunerated.

This practice, however, does not affect the length of the five-year program. At UFSC, Materials Engineering students spend the first five semesters in the university and in the sixth semester they take the first compulsory internship. Then, they return to UFSC for another semester of studies and in the next one they move to the second internship. Finally, in the last semester – which is made up of elective courses –, they can take a third internship in an industrial setting. This early contact with the job market provides students with the equivalent of one and a half year of professional training and experience. In addition to learning the tasks they will perform in their future career, the students gain knowledge on work relationships, discipline, hierarchy and on how to behave in the professional world.


Program Length:
10 semesters (5 years)
Faculty members:
+55 48 3721 7621

Library Science

20/03/2020 18:17

The Library Science Program trains professionals to locate, store, retrieve and organize information in any medium: from books and paper documents to those stored in electronic databases or available on the Internet.

Diversity and versatility are characteristics of the Library Science graduate, who is also able to create tools of access to information and perform library marketing and advertising activities. Thus, s/he can work in any institution, such as companies, organizations, law firms, trade unions, museums, newspapers, and federal, state or municipal government agencies containing libraries or documentation centers.

In the computer lab, students can develop research techniques especially focused on the internet, which is gaining increasing relevance, as it creates new job positions. Other traditional areas of study are also included in the program.

The curriculum is comprised of around 50 courses, grouped into three areas: General Foundations, including courses taught in other programs; Instrumentals, which covers subjects in the fields of languages, logic and research methods and techniques; and Professional Training, which provides students with the theoretical foundations of library science.

A mandatory internship of 270 hours must be done in the last semester, in any institution that has a document archive and receives the approval of the Department of Information Science’s Internship Office. For degree completion, the student must write a report about the supervised internship experience, plus a final thesis (TCC).

Throughout the program, students can engage in a number of outreach activities developed in two support libraries: the Education Library ( and the Virtual Library in the fields of Library Science and Information Science ( They can also have access to the Document Conservation and Restoration Laboratory and the Information Handling Laboratory. This latter is used for the study and thematic analysis of texts and books, and it is an opportunity for learning about different fields of knowledge.

Program Length:
8 semesters (4 years)
Faculty members:
+55 48 3721 9389


20/03/2020 18:16

UFSC Law Program is derived from the Faculty of Law of Santa Catarina and it was the first Law degree to be offered in the state, established in Florianópolis in 1932. It became part of UFSC in 1960.

The program aims to prepare professionals for the legal practice, while equipping them with technical knowledge, a critical view and social and political consciousness. The program’s curriculum includes a strong humanist base, which combines the need for a dogmatic and practical training and an education concerned with the development of a truly conscious and participatory citizenship.

For degree completion, in addition to achieving the number of credits required for mandatory courses and completing a final thesis (TCC), students must obtain 324 class hours of elective courses, 360 hours of internship experience and 360 hours of complementary activities (including research and outreach activities, extracurricular courses and internships, and student representation).

In addition to the degree requirements, Law students can develop research activities in the Tutorial Education Program (PET) or take part in research carried out by faculty members of the Department of Law. They benefit from the fact that many of the program’s faculty members are internationally recognized authorities in several fields of Law.

Supervised internship is developed in the Office for Legal Assistance (EMAJ), linked to the Legal Practice Center (NJP), which offers legal assistance to the disadvantaged community. Due to an agreement between UFSC and the Court of Justice of the State of Santa Catarina, since 1993, students can profit from a forum located inside the university. Initially, the forum served the activities of the EMAJ only, but today the Regional Forum of the North of the Island is a pioneer in providing decentralized legal services (Special Courts). It comprises four courts, an auditorium for 200 peoples, and a structure to perform real juries.

The program also has modern and well-equipped facilities, with large classrooms, an exclusive branch library and a computer lab.

Learn more about the Law Program by watching this video (in Portuguese):


Program Length:
10 semesters (5 years)
Faculty members:
+55 48 3721 9382