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20/03/2020 16:38

The UFSC Anthropology program is a pioneering initiative that consolidates the work of the Department of Anthropology at the School of Human Sciences and Philosophy as one of the most respected in the country, enjoying great international reputation.

Created in 2009, the program is focused on the systematic and in-depth knowledge of cultural values and practices of human collectives – including differentiated social groups, minorities, rural communities, indigenous peoples, among others – through strong theoretical-methodological studies aimed at defining and conducting empirical research.

The general principles governing the program are: the strong integration of teaching and research, the emphasis on knowledge-deepening activities through elective courses, and a flexible curriculum, in which students get to choose their academic pathways.

The program, structured into 8 semesters, seeks to ensure students a high qualification to pursue graduate studies in the field of human sciences. Additionally, it provides the educational basis for qualified professionals to work in research at NGOs, research institutes and government agencies, as well as to carry out consulting and advisory activities and to become public policy agents and managers.

There is a growing demand for anthropologists in public agencies (such as INCRA, IPHAN, FUNAI, State Departments, Ministries), as well as in non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, among others. These institutions seek professionals capable of recognizing and meeting the demands of specific social groups; identifying and alleviating conflicts involving ethnic minorities, traditional communities, immigrants and refugees, as well as gender, racial and environmental issues; and supporting the cultural and artistic manifestations of these populations.

 Program Length:
8 semesters (4 years)
Website: http://antropologia.paginas.ufsc.br/
Classes held in the afternoon.
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