Automation and Control Engineering – Blumenau Campus

20/03/2020 16:44

The Automation and Control Engineering Program enables professionals to design, analyze and use control and automation systems applied to industrial, commercial and domestic processes with the aim of automating them.

Graduates can work in various segments, such as: engineering, industrial, commercial and home automation companies; petrochemical, chemical, textile, ceramics, steel, metallurgical, cement and food industries.

In the early stages, in addition to basic courses in Physics and Mathematics, students already take specific courses which give dimension to the areas connected to their future career.

Several courses throughout the program will help students consolidate their knowledge and prospect entrepreneurial possibilities. By the end of the program, an internship component allows students to develop work at companies and research institutions, which expands their education and career opportunities.


Program Length:
10 semesters (5 years)
+55 47 3232-5101