International Relations

20/03/2020 18:12

Recent transformations in the international setting have brought important challenges for higher education institutions. Since the end of the Cold War, a series of events have marked the practice of international relations. These events are linked to the increase in trade and capital flows, the growing competition for non-renewable material resources and the large-scale geopolitical changes, such as the creation of new national states, the integration processes and the territorial conflicts. In order to face these phenomena, both governments and civil society organizations are demanding a professional with specific academic training in the field of international relations. This training takes an interdisciplinary approach, bearing in mind the nature of the phenomena involved.

The International Relations Program aims to promote technical competence in the various fields of international relations, with focus on the aspects of international economic relations. This emphasis is motivated by the increasing insertion of Brazil into the global economy and by the specific characteristics of the state of Santa Catarina, which has a significant group of exporting companies, a transport logistics geared to foreign trade and a privileged location inside Brazil’s major process of regional integration, namely Mercosur.

International Relations graduates can work in government agencies, public or private companies, and international organizations. Theirentry into in the job market is associated primarily to the demands concerning the international economic relations.


Program Length:
8 semesters (4 years)
+55 48 3721 9458