Objective: The Graduate Program in Agroecosystems (PPGA) aims at investigating, understanding and transforming the relations of the rural area, in all its dimensions, developing wide-ranging intelligence aligned with the competence to interpret, build and relate specific knowledge that is appropriate to each reality.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Areas of Concentration:
Rural Development and Environmental Performance.
Lines of Research:
– Agroecosystemic Approaches of Productive Processes;
– Animal Ethology, Husbandry and Welfare;
– Evolution, Management and Conservation of Agrobiodiversity;
– Family Farming, New Ruralities and Rural Territories;
– Dynamics of Socio-Ecological Systems.
Contact: ppga@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-5341 | +55 (48) 3721-4740
Website: http://ppgagro.posgrad.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Translation Studies (PGET) aims to prepare and develop high-level professionals committed to the advancement of knowledge for the practice of research, teaching and outreach in the field of Translation Studies.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Area of Concentration: Retextualization Processes.
Lines of Research:
– Literary Studies in Translation and Interpretation;
– Linguistic Studies in Translation and Interpretation.
Contact: ppget@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-6647
Website: http://ppget.posgrad.ufsc.br
Objective: The Professional Master’s Program in Portuguese in Primary and Lower Secondary Education (PROFLETRAS) aims to qualify Portuguese teachers to work in primary and lower secondary schools and contribute to improve the quality of Brazilian education.
Type: Professional master’s degree.
Area of Concentration: Languages and Literacies.
Lines of Research:
– Language and Teaching Theories;
– Reading and Text Production;
– Social Diversity and Teaching Practices.
Contact: profletras@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-4548
Website: http://profletras.paginas.ufsc.br/
This is a national network program offered in various institutions.
Objective: The Graduate Program in Literature (PPGLIT) aims to prepare highly qualified professionals in the area of Literature to meet the needs of the various arts and humanities fields.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Area of Concentration: Literatures.
Lines of Research:
– Archive, Time and Image;
– Feminist Criticism and Gender Studies;
– Poetry and Aisthesis;
– Subjectivity, Memory and History;
– Theory of Modernity;
– Hybrid Textualities.
Contact: ppglitufsc@gmail.com | +55 (48) 3721-3790
Website: http://literatura.posgrad.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Linguistics (PPGL) aims to promote research and the technical and scientific development of human resources in Linguistics and related fields.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Areas of Concentration:
Applied Linguistics;
Sociolinguistics and Dialectology;
Linguistic Theory and Analysis.
Lines of Research:
– Discourse Studies;
– Portuguese Language Teaching and Learning;
– Foreign Language/Second Language Teaching and Learning;
– Libras (Brazilian Sign Language);
– Language Acquisition and Processing;
– Language Contact, Variation and Change;
– Language Policy;
– Phonetics and Phonology of Natural Languages;
– Syntax and Semantics of Natural Languages;
– Cognition and Use.
Contact: ppgl@contato.ufsc.br | + 55 (48) 3721-9581
Website: http://ppglin.posgrad.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in in Journalism (PPGJOR) aims at preparing highly qualified professionals committed to the advancement of knowledge for the practice of teaching, research, outreach and other professional activities in the area of Journalism.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Area of Concentration: Journalism.
Lines of Research:
– Journalism, Culture and Society;
– Technologies, Languages and Innovation in Journalism.
Contact: ppgjor@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-6610
Website: http://ppgjor.posgrad.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in English: Linguistic and Literary Studies (PPGI) aims at educating and developing researchers and teachers in the areas of Linguistic and Literary Studies in English, with emphasis on Applied Linguistics and Literatures in English.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Areas of Concentration:
Language Studies;
Literary and Cultural Studies.
Lines of Research:
– Discourse and Translation Studies in Sociocultural Contexts;
– Teaching and Learning;
– Language and Cognition;
– Literatures in English;
– Theoretical and Cultural Intersections.
Contact: ppgi@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-9455
Website: http://ppgi.posgrad.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Design (PósDesign) aims to promote and generate knowledge for teaching and research, contributing to the process of competence renewal for the professional practice in the area of Design.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Area of Concentration: Design.
Lines of Research:
– Design Management;
– Media.
Contact: posdesign@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-6405
Website: http://www.posdesign.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS) aims to:
- produce knowledge about the sociocultural reality and contribute to the consolidation and improvement of the field of Anthropology in Brazil;
- prepare qualified teachers and researchers to work with teaching and research in Brazil and abroad;
- contribute to anthropology education in UFSC undergraduate programs, especially Anthropology, Museum Studies and Social Sciences, and to the socioeconomic and ethnic-racial inclusion policies;
- prepare professionals to work in other areas of Anthropology outside the university, such as advising governmental and non-governmental agencies and supporting the elaboration of public policies;
- make agreements and exchanges with national and international academic institutions, aiming at the integration of Brazilian Anthropology in the international arena.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree
Area of Concentration: Social Anthropology.
Lines of Research:
– Art, ethnomusicology, image, language and performance;
– Science, education, technique and environment;
– Urban and transnational spaces, mobilities and heritage;
– Kinship, generation, gender and sexuality;
– Policies, micropolitics and contemporary movements;
– Religion, cosmology and ritual;
– Health, corporeality and subjectivation.
Contact: ppgas@contato.ufsc.br |+55 (48) 3721-4131 | +55 (48) 3721-3517
Website: http://ppgas.posgrad.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Sociology and Political Science (PPGSP) aims to:
- produce scientific knowledge about the sociopolitical reality and contribute to the consolidation and improvement of the fields of Sociology and Political Science in the country;
- prepare qualified teachers and researchers to work with teaching and research in Brazil and abroad;
- prepare professionals to work in other areas of Sociology and Political Science outside the university, such as advising public and private companies and agencies, supporting the elaboration of public policies, and participating in different research and management sectors;
- make agreements and exchanges with national and international academic institutions, aiming at the integration of Brazilian Sociology and Political Science in the international arena.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Areas of Concentration:
Political Science.
Lines of Research
– Science, Health and Environment;
– Institutions, Political Behavior and Public Policies;
– Social Movements, Participation and Democracy;
– Political and Social Thinking;
– Social Representations and Symbolic Productions;
– Labor, Market, State and Financial System.
Contact: ppgsocpol@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-9253 / +55 (48) 3721-9098
Website: http://ppgsp.posgrad.ufsc.br/