English Language and Literatures

20/03/2020 17:31

The origins of the English Language and Literatures program date back to the 1960s, the same decade when the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina was founded.

The program lasts four years and its curriculum is organized around three main axes: Linguistics, Literature, and Translation. The program covers different theoretical and thematic approaches to discourse analysis, English literature, translation studies, applied linguistics, literature and cinema, among other areas. In addition to courses on these subjects, students have at their disposal a wide range of elective courses and Academic-Scientific-Cultural Activities (ACCs) that diversify and enrich their training. English Language and Literatures students can opt for a teaching degree, in which case they must carry out a supervised teaching internship at a public school at the end of the program. If they do not opt for the teaching degree, they must develop an undergraduate thesis (TCC) for degree completion.

Graduates  with  a  degree  in  English  Language  and Literatures have diverse career opportunities. One of  the  main  career  fields  is  teaching,  mainly  in primary  and  secondary  schools,  as  well  as  in language  schools.  An  academic  career  at universities is  also  a possibility, after pursuing a master’s and a doctoral degree.

Companies also look for English Language professionals to teach  specialized  language courses to their employees. Additionally, graduates find  employment  in  publishing  houses  and advertising  agencies,  where  they  play  roles  in  text preparation  and  standardization,  spell-checking, revising  and  proofreading.

Translation  is  another field  with  high  demand  for  these  professionals, where  opportunities  include  translating  technical, academic  and  literary  texts,  as  well  as  subtitling films, games and software.

Mastery of the language expands job possibilities. With specific training, English Language and Literatures professionals can work in foreign trade, diplomacy, and tourism in general, securing positions in airlines and travel agencies, for example.

Program Length:
8 semesters (4 years)
Website: https://ingles.ufsc.br/
Classes held in the afternoon.