UFSC launches Call for Applications for admission of refugees to undergraduate programs
The Permanent Commission for the Vestibular (Coperve) at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) has published a Call for Applications for admission of refugees to undergraduate programs at UFSC. The university will offer 10 remaining places from the UFSC Entrance Exam (Vestibular) 2022 to refugees, low-income asylum seekers and humanitarian visa holders. The places are for admission in the second semester of 2022, in undergraduate programs on the Florianópolis campus.
The application is free and shall be submitted online at www.refugiados2022.ufsc.br from 4 to 13 May 2022. To apply, the applicants must access the website, fill in the Application Form and send it (via internet) to Coperve/UFSC by 11:59 p.m. on 13 May 2022.
Ten places will be offered, observing the limit of one place per undergraduate program. The applicant must choose only one of the programs listed in the General Table of Programs (Annex I of the Call for Applications). These places will be filled according to the applicants’ overall position in the admission test.
The identification documents that will be accepted for the application are: Passport or National Foreigner Registration (RNE) or National Migrant Registration (RNM) or Provisional National Migrant Registration (DPRNM) or National Driver’s License (CNH). Exceptionally, the applicant may present another photo identification document. All applicants will need to inform their Individual Taxpayer Number (CPF) in the Application Form.
The test will take place on 12 June 2022, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. The applicants will have to answer 30 questions: Portuguese Language (10 questions), General Knowledge (17 questions) and Foreign Language (3 questions, of Spanish, English, or French), in addition to writing an Essay. The General Knowledge test will include knowledge of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, History, and Geography. The Test Content Outline is available at www.refugiados2022.ufsc.br.
To access the test location, the applicants will have to present, besides the identification document, a proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test result from up to 72 hours before the day of the test. Applicants may only enter the test location wearing a face mask (N95 type or equivalent is recommended), which will be mandatory for the duration of the test. Eating will not be allowed during the test.
The answer keys and the full test will be available at www.refugiados2022.ufsc.br from 12 June 2022, at 7 p.m. The official list of ranked applicants, containing their names and number of application, as well as the applicants’ individual performance report will also be made available on the website.
Translated by SINTER/UFSC.
Read the original article here.