Objective: The Graduate Program in Conventional and Integrative Veterinary Medicine (PPGMVCI) aims at developing basic and applied research in the most diverse areas of veterinary medicine.
Type: Academic master’s degree.
Area of Concentration:
Animal Health.
Lines of Research:
– Animal farming with an emphasis on health, integrative nutrition and welfare;
– Conventional, integrative and innovative therapies for health;
– Assessment of health parameters in veterinary medicine.
Contact: ppgmvci@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-7186
Website: https://ppgmvci.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (PPGMVCI) aims to prepare and develop high-level professionals committed to the advancement of knowledge for the practice of research, teaching and outreach in the field of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
Type: Academic master’s degree.
Area of Concentration:
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in health care.
Lines of Research:
– Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in primary health care;
– Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in secondary and tertiary health care.
Contact: ppgfono@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-4912
Website: https://ppgfon.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Science and Technology Education (PPGECT) aims to develop research and teaching activities about the relationship between education and science, with emphasis on the understanding of the teaching and learning process, that is, the domain of the structures of thought required by science and technology and its insertion in the Brazilian society, in order to promote a more adequate teaching.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Area of Concentration: Science and Technology Education.
Lines of Research:
– Teacher Training;
– Science Teaching and Learning;
– The Social Implications of Science and Technology in Education;
– Epistemology and the History of Science and Mathematics;
– Media and Science Education;
– Language and Education.
Contact: sec.ppgect@gmail.com | +55 (48) 3721-4181
Website: http://ppgect.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Natural Disasters (PPGDN) aims to prepare highly qualified professors, researchers and professionals for the job market as well as for scientific research and technological development.
Type: Professional master’s degree.
Area of Concentration: Natural Disasters and Risk Management.
Lines of Research:
– Geological, Meteorological and Hydrological Processes and Natural Disasters;
– Social Vulnerability and Risk and Natural Disaster Management.
Contact: ppgdn@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-3515
Website: http://ppgdn.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Nanoscience, Processes and Advanced Materials (PPGNPTMat) aims to prepare qualified professionals to develop scientific research, processes, products, methodologies and new materials, enabling investments in technology and innovation in the fields of Chemistry, Physics, Materials, Biomedicine, Environment, among others, as well as promoting the advancement of knowledge in nanoscience, processes and advanced materials for the benefit of society.
Type: Academic master’s degree.
Area of Concentration: Nanoscience, Processes and Advanced Materials.
Lines of Research:
– Materials, Processes and Transformations;
– Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Contact: ppgnpmat@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3271-3336 / +55 (47) 3232-5136
Website: http://ppgnpmat.blumenau.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Knowledge Engineering and Management (PPGEGC) offers both master’s and doctoral degrees to academic, government and business professionals interested in researching, teaching or developing technical-scientific solutions to knowledge cycle. In knowledge society, such professionals have been required to model and deliver sustainable innovations in areas such as education, management, technological development, e-government, agribusiness, digital inclusion, among many others.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree
Areas of Concentration:
Knowledge Management;
Knowledge Engineering;
Knowledge Media.
Lines of Research:
– Theory and Practice in Knowledge Engineering;
– Knowledge Engineering Applied to Organizations;
– Knowledge Modeling and Representation;
– Theory and Practice in Knowledge Management;
– Organizational Knowledge Management;
– Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Sustainability;
– Theory and Practice in Knowledge Media;
– Media and Dissemination of Knowledge;
– Media and Knowledge in Education.
Contact: ppgegc@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-2450
Website: ppgegc.paginas.ufsc.br/pagina-exemplo/?lang=en
Objective: The Graduate Program in Information and Communication Technologies (PPGTIC) aims to prepare high-level professionals, committed to the advancement of knowledge and innovation, for the development of research, teaching, outreach and other professional activities.
Type: Academic master’s degree.
Area of Concentration: Technology and Innovation.
Lines of Research:
– Educational Technology;
– Computer Technology;
– Technology, Management and Innovation.
Contact: ppgtic@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-6250
Website: http://ppgtic.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Sciences (PPGICH) aims to prepare and develop high-level professionals for the practice of higher education teaching, research and outreach in the field of human sciences, with an interdisciplinary perspective, in the concentration areas and lines of research defined by the Program.
Type: Academic doctoral degree.
Areas of Concentration:
Human Condition in Modernity;
Gender Studies;
Society and Environment;
Africa and its Diasporas.
Lines of Research:
– Modernity and Globalization;
– Evolution of Life and Health Sciences;
– Epistemology of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies;
– Gender and its Interrelations with Generation, Ethnicity, Class;
– Development, Conflicts and Public Policies;
– Consumption, Lifestyles and Ethics;
– Colonial and Post-Colonial Political Processes;
– Socio-cultural and artistic productions.
Contact: ppgich@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-9405 / +55 (48) 3721-3505
Website: http://ppgich.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Evaluation Methods and Management (PPGMGA) aims to provide practical training for professionals and researchers on the topic of evaluation and its management.
Type: Professional master’s degree
Area of Concentration: Evaluation Methods and Management.
Lines of Research:
– Quantitative Methods in Educational Evaluation;
– Evaluation Management.
Contact: ppgmga@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-4707
Website: http://ppgmga.posgrad.ufsc.br/
Objective: The Graduate Program in Biotechnology and Biosciences (PPGBTC) aims to prepare human resources for the generation and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge and for the development of processes, products and/or services to improve quality of life.
Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.
Areas of Concentration:
Prospecting and Development of Bioproducts;
Host-Microbe Interaction;
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology.
Lines of Research:
– Bioprocesses applied to Industry and to One Health;
– Bioprospecting and Bioremediation;
– Mechanisms of Host-Microbe Interaction;
– Development of Biomarkers;
– Complex Biological Systems;
– Computational Biology applied to the Omics Sciences.
Contact: ppgbtc@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-2713
Website: http://biotecnologia.ufsc.br/