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Information Science

01/11/2019 19:04

Objective: The Graduate Program in Information Science (PGCin) aims at the training of highly qualified professionals capable of researching the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects related to the production, communication and representation of knowledge and information, as well as investigating processes, environments, services, products and systems of information and knowledge management.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Information Management.

Lines of Research:
– Memory, Mediation and Knowledge Organization;
– Information, Scientific Communication and Competence;
– Data, Intelligence and Technology;
– Information and Knowledge Management.

Contact: ppgcin@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-2234 / +55 (48) 3721-2233

Website: http://pgcin.paginas.ufsc.br/


01/11/2019 18:56

Objective: The Graduate Program in Economics (PPGECO) aims to prepare economics professionals to work with research, teaching and other professional activities in the public and business sectors.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Economics

Lines of Research:
– Finance and Capital Markets;
– Globalization and Development.

Contact: ppgeco@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-9901

Website: http://ppgeco.ufsc.br/

Architecture and Urbanism

01/11/2019 18:47

Objective: The Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism (PósARQ) aims to prepare high-level human resources and to qualify higher education professors for the production of quality scientific and technological knowledge, providing the means by which research can improve the quality of architectural and urban production.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Areas of Concentration:
Design and Technology of the Built Environment;
Urbanism, History and Architecture of the City.

Lines of Research:
– Methods and Techniques in Architectural and Urban Design;
– Environmental Behavior of Buildings and the Urban Space;
– Urbanism, Culture and City History;
– City Architecture, Urban Planning and Management.

Contact: ppgarqurb@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-9797

Website: http://posarq.ufsc.br/


01/11/2019 18:30

Objective: The Graduate Program in Administration (PPGADM) aims to prepare highly qualified professionals, committed to the advancement of knowledge, for the practice of research, teaching and outreach activities in Administration.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Organizations, Society and Development.

Lines of Research:
– Finance and Economic Development;
– University Management;
– Marketing and Strategy in Organizations;
– Organizations and Society;
– Production and Development.

Contact: ppgadm@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-9365

Website: http://ppgadm.posgrad.ufsc.br/


01/11/2019 18:27

Objective: The Graduate Program in Accounting (PPGC) aims to prepare graduates at the master’s and doctoral levels from a cross-sectional perspective, permeating the managerial and financial dimensions of Accounting.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Controllership and Governance.

Lines of Research:
– Management Control and Performance Evaluation;
– Financial Accounting and Governance.

Contact: ppgc@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-6608

Website: http://www.ppgc.ufsc.br/

Plant Genetic Resources

01/11/2019 18:26

Objective: The Graduate Program in Plant Genetic Resources (PPGRGV) aims to prepare graduates capable of characterizing, conserving, managing, and improving domesticated and non-domesticated plant genetic resources, using appropriate technologies and methodologies.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Plant Genetic Resources.

Lines of Research:
– Reproductive Biology and Gene Flow;
– Characterization, Collection and Conservation of Germplasm;
– Ecology and Sustainable Plant Management;
– Developmental Physiology and Metabolism;
– Genetics and Plant Breeding.

Contact: ppgrgv@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-5333

Website: http://rgv.ufsc.br/

Food Science

01/11/2019 18:24

Objective: The Graduate Program in Food Science (PPGCAL) aims to prepare graduates able to promote scientific and technological knowledge advancement in the area of Food Science as well as to work in teaching and research institutions, industries and regulation government bodies, so as to contribute to the country’s development.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Food Science.

Lines of Research:
– Food Quality Evaluation;
– Innovation and New Product Development;
– Food Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Contact: ppgcal@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-5397 / +55 (48) 3721-2896

Website: http://pgcal.pos.ufsc.br/

Food Engineering

01/11/2019 18:14

Objective: The Graduate Program in Food Engineering (PPGEAL) aims to develop human resources who are highly able to implement teaching, research, innovation and technological development activities in the field of Food Engineering and related areas.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Development of Food Industry Processes.

Lines of Research:
– Heat and Mass Transfer in Food Processing;
– Separation Processes: Supercritical Extraction and Membrane Separation;
– Biotechnological Processes and Applied Microbial Kinetics;
– Development of Processes and Products.

Contact: ppgeal@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-4063

Website: http://ppgeal.posgrad.ufsc.br/


01/11/2019 18:09

Objective: The Graduate Program in Aquaculture (PPGAQI) aims to promote teaching and research in Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources, preparing professionals capable to contribute in the development of these activities at national and international scales.

Type: Academic master’s degree and doctoral degree.

Area of Concentration: Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources.

Lines of Research:
– Reproduction and Larviculture;
– Production Technologies and Systems;
– Management and Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems;
– Nutrition and Feeding;
– Pathology and Health.

Contact: ppgaqi@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721-5473 / +55 (48) 3721-4785

Website: http://aquicultura.posgrad.ufsc.br/

Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems (Curitibanos Campus)

01/11/2019 14:38

Objective: The Graduate Program in Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems (PPGEAN) aims to develop human resources  who are able to promote and share technological and scientific knowledge in the areas of conservation, management and sustainable use of agricultural and natural ecosystems.

Type: Academic master’s degree.

Area of Concentration: Management and Conservation of Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems.

Lines of Research:
– Ecosystem ecology;
– Integrated management of agricultural and forestry systems.

Contact: ppgean@contato.ufsc.br | +55 (48) 3721- 4170

Website: http://ppgean.ufsc.br/

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